wiki:PolySim Notes
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PolySim Notes

Jan. 29

The documentation for PolySim is accessible at PolySim web documentation mentioned during today's group meeting.

The git repo for PolySim is located at /org/groups/chg/lgraham/PolySim.

The folder containing an example directory for use by PolySim and the subdomain version of ADCIRC from NCSU is located at /h1/lgraham/group_mtg_012914. Instructions for how to install and use PolySim are in the online documentation. There is a README file in the PolySim repo it has useful information regarding building a local copy of the documentation and modifying the source. The example script we briefly looked at along with other examples are located in the examples folder of PolySim.

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Jan 30, 2014, 2:23:23 PM
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